由研究生院(部)主办,电子信息工程学院承办的2024年第57期“名家讲坛”于2024年8月13日上午10点在图书信息中心尚学讲堂(103报告厅)成功举办,讲坛邀请到土耳其Bogazici University的Okyay Kaynak教授作题为“The Long Journey to Becoming an Academic: Is This Really What You Want”的精彩报告,院长陈达主持报告会。
首先,Okyay Kaynak教授从技巧和数据支撑等方面介绍了撰写和修改技术论文的要求;其次,Okyay Kaynak教授深入讲解了何为优秀的技术论文、如何撰写优秀的技术论文和如何在期刊发表技术论文等方面的要求,并着重介绍了学术同行评审文章稿件的流程、编辑和审稿人关注的重点等;最后Okyay Kaynak教授在如何根据技术论文内容选定合适的文章题目、如何准确且有逻辑性的呈现技术论文的实验结果等方面与学院老师和同学进行了深入的探讨和交流,为与会师生的课题研究提供了有益的指导并分享了宝贵的经验。
Okyay Kaynak, the famous professor of Bogazici University and Turkish Academy of Sciences. He received the B.Sc. degree with first class honors and Ph.D. degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK, in 1969 and 1972 respectively. From 1972 to 1979, he held various positions within the industry. In 1979, he joined the Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, where he is currently a Professor Emeritus, holding the UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics. He has hold long-term (near to or more than a year) Visiting Professor/Scholar positions at various institutions in Japan, Germany, U.S., Singapore, and China. His current research interests are in the broad field of intelligent systems. He has authored three books, edited five and authored or co-authored more than 450 papers that have appeared in various journals and conference proceedings. He has served as the Editor in Chief of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics and IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, as well as the Co-Editor in Chief of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics. He presently serves as the Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems and the Springer Journal; Discover Artificial Intelligence. He has received several awards, including the Chinese Government’s Friendship Award, and the prestigious Humboldt Research Prize, both in 2016. More recently he was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa, Obuda University, Hungary (2020) and the Academy Prize of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (2020). He is a member of this Academy.